Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Home Schooling?

Homeschool (home school) are now starting to become one of the choices of parents in educating their children. This option is mainly caused by the existence of opinions or judgments about the suitability of parents for their children.
Can also because parents feel more prepared to provide education for their children at home. This is mostly done in large cities, especially by those who never do it when they are abroad.

ome school, according to Ella Yulaelawati, director of the Education Equality Ministry of National Education (MONE), a process that is consciously educational services, organized and directed by the parents or families where the learning process takes place in a conducive atmosphere.
The goal for each child's unique potential to develop optimally. The same formulation put forward by Dr Seto Mulyadi, chairman of the National Commission for Child Protection, when the two appeared speaking at a seminar in Jakarta, some time ago.

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